

Intervention: Consult Addiction Professionals

Each day, countless spouses or parents have one of the most challenging conversations a person can have with a loved one: a discussion regarding alcohol or substance use. Sometimes these dialogues or informal interventions have promising results: their loved one opts to seek the assistance of an addiction treatment center. Many men and women’s journey to recovery begins with a heartfelt intervention with a loved one.

A person’s willingness to seek treatment for an alcohol or substance use disorder will depend on several variables. How severe is the individual’s condition? Does he or she have legal troubles? Have they hit bottom and have no other options but to seek help?

Still, even individuals who are clearly at the end of their rope will be reticent to reach out for support. Denial and delusions are rampant amongst individuals who suffer from the disease of addiction. Those who are afflicted by behavioral health disorders will often do everything in their power to avoid surrender; they will rationalize their behaviors in an effort to sway their loved one into believing the problem isn’t that bad.

Even though addiction impacts the lives of millions of people, many believe that seeking help makes it more real somehow. Addicts and alcoholics have a propensity for wanting to control everything in their life, despite the fact that any semblance of control is likely a delusion at the point when discussions of treatment are on the table.

If you’ve talked with your loved one about drinking and drugging, and they are not receptive to the idea of professional assistance, you might start to feel like you are out of options. However, persuading a person you love to take action is often a protracted event. There’s still hope.

Staging an Intervention

If nothing seems to get through to your loved one, you may have already gathered other friends and family together to help you with your cause. Such individuals are probably acutely aware of how dire the situation is already. Perhaps, you may be able to compassionately encourage your loved one to seek help with the assistance of others.

Such an approach has been known to work, but there are instances when it can backfire. If the latter was the case for you, then it is time for you to seek the guidance of a professional interventionist.

Addicts and alcoholics are particularly fragile; they are often reactive as opposed to proactive when they feel backed into a corner. Even if you feel like you have done and said all the right things, it’s possible that something crucial was missing. With that in mind, seeking the services of a professional will help you determine the next best course of action. Interventionists can help you organize a more effective intervention, one that will give you the best opportunity for achieving the desired result.

A licensed interventionist will consider your loved one’s circumstances and then walk you through the steps of planning the intervention. He or she will equip you with the tools and language that, when used correctly, will increase the likelihood of your loved one changing his or her perspective.

It’s worth noting that there are several different types of interventions. The approach that is taken will vary on a case to case basis; in some instances, a combination of intervention modalities will be relied upon in a customized way. There is no way of knowing at this juncture which technique will be most efficacious; that will be determined once you consult with a specialist.

A Winning Formula for Bringing About Recovery

The Whitman Recovery Service team can help you encourage a loved one to seek addiction recovery services. You will be pleased to know that we have helped plan and perform hundreds of interventions, and we are proud to report that we have a 90 percent success rate.

We invite you to contact us today to learn more about our approaches and begin the process of helping your loved one get the assistance they desperately require. Please call us today at 512-722-7566.