Intervention Services are Still Available
April 24, 2020At Whitman Recovery Service, the thoughts and prayers of our addiction intervention team go out to the millions of people across the globe who have lost a loved one to COVID-19. In a matter of months, we watched the number of cases spread from Wuhan, China, to every continent on the planet sans Antarctica.
Today, America leads the world in new cases (871,970) and COVID-19-related deaths (50,103). One million of our citizens may have the coronavirus by the week’s end. It’s vitally important that members of the addiction recovery community and beyond continue practicing social distancing and observing “stay at home” orders in their respective states.
While public health officials continue to search for a vaccine and effective methods of treating the infected, it’s worth remembering that millions of Americans are contending with another, older epidemic.
Some six million Americans are struggling with opioid use disorder, and millions more meet the criteria for an alcohol use disorder. It is estimated that around 100,000 people die from an overdose each year in the United States, and the same is true regarding alcohol-related health complications.
Last week, we pointed out that alcohol sales have increased exponentially in the previous 60 days. It stands to reason that more people than ever will require assistance for alcohol use disorder in the coming months and perhaps years. Moreover, the number of alcohol-related deaths could be unprecedented in 2020.
Fortunately, addiction treatment services are essential; each day, mental and behavioral health experts put their well-being at risk to help men and women get on the road to recovery. Everyone working in the field of healthcare is a hero for their tireless efforts to save lives.
An Intervention During a Pandemic
The new normal of sheltering in place and self-quarantine is placing enormous amounts of stress on countless Americans. More than 20 million men and women have lost their jobs or are furloughed; naturally, many of them are not coping with the situation in healthy ways—especially those who already had unhealthy relationships with drugs and alcohol.
Mothers, fathers, husbands, and wives are watching their loved ones engage in self-destructive and self-defeating behaviors as they weather the pandemic storm. You may feel powerless to stop their ever-declining condition, but that is not the case. There are resources available that can help you encourage the person you care about to seek help. It’s still possible to hold an intervention.
As we mentioned above, addiction treatment centers are still operating and are adhering to strict COVID-19 guidelines to safeguard the health of their clients. Residential centers are accepting new clients, and intensive outpatient programs (IOP) are relying on video conferencing platforms to provide counseling and support. Moreover, interventions are still being held similarly; our interventionists at Whitman Recovery Service are utilizing telehealth to provide addiction and mental health guidance.
We understand how challenging it is to help a loved one set aside their denial and accept that they have problems requiring professional assistance. However, there is hope, and our team will be of exceptional service to your family.
Staging an Intervention
Please reach out to Whitman Recovery Service to learn more about our methods and techniques for getting loved ones on the road to addiction recovery. We have conducted hundreds of interventions across the country and have a 98 percent success rate in bringing about positive outcomes. Remember, you are not alone, and we are here to help even during these unprecedented times. You can call us at (210) 291-0278.