
opioid intervention

Planning an Opioid Intervention

Opioid abuse and addiction is one of the most severe health problems your loved one can face. Opiate addiction has grown even more dangerous thanks to stricter guidelines that make prescription drugs more difficult to obtain, which often force those who are addicted to turn to heroin. Therefore, one way to think of prescription opiates is as a highly dangerous gateway drug. If your loved one has developed an addiction, you may need to plan an opioid intervention.

Why Addicted People Cannot Simply Say “No”

One of the hallmarks of addiction is when people continue to use a drug despite the negative consequences it has on their lives. Even people who have the best intentions and motivations to quit continue to use opioids. If you’re watching someone you care about spiral out of control and wonder why they can’t stop their path to self-destruction, it’s fundamental to understand addiction isn’t a choice, but a mental illness.

Long-term drug use changes the brain’s chemistry. It has deep roots in the addicted person’s biology, psychology, environment and more, and addressing it requires holistic care that looks at all different facets of recovery and wellness.

Getting Help for Someone Addicted to Opiates

When someone you know and care for is addicted to opiates, it will be extremely challenging, if not impossible, for them to beat the addiction on their own. You know they need to seek help from a qualified opioid rehab program, but how can you get them to stop using these drugs and stay sober for good?

When you see your loved one struggling with addiction, you want to help them recover. You may have discussed staging an opioid intervention with family members and other people who care about the addicted person’s health. An intervention can make a genuine difference, but you must know how to approach and structure the meeting properly if you want the most productive and positive outcome.

How to Stage an Opioid Intervention

Telling your loved one they need to get help and that their opioid misuse is hurting you can be one of the hardest conversations you’ll ever have. When emotions are running high, it can make it difficult for you to decide how to approach the situation, and what you will say and do. That’s why a professional interventionist is a vital resource.

Addicted people can respond to confrontation by denying the extent of the problem, withdrawing into themselves or even lashing out with anger or hostility. A professional interventionist will help you and your family rehearse a wide range of responses and can keep the conversation from devolving into the “blame game.”

As a neutral third party, your professional interventionist is experienced in structuring a meeting and helping it stay productive, calm and on track, so the intervention accomplishes its goal of getting the addicted person to agree to seek treatment. They are an excellent source for education about what addiction is, how it works and how families can successfully reach through and past it to help the person they love.

An intervention helps everyone get on the same page, including family members and friends of the addicted person. Once you break through their objections, you can explain next steps, including what is involved in the addiction treatment plan and what the road to recovery looks like.

Opioid Intervention: Your Step in the Right Direction

If you have any questions about orchestrating a successful opioid intervention for someone you care about, contact Whitman Recovery Service today. We want to help you help your loved one learn to take accountability for their behavior and develop new, healthy habits that enable them to live a life free of addiction.